Hi all
These are some information in regards to the VIC Regional team events champs this Sunday 19th August 2012.
Please note for the rest of the players who are not participating in this Sunday tournament, there will NOT be any training sessions on Sunday for the afternoon group. The Sunday morning group will be training as usual.
There is a slight changes on some of the players in some age groups due to some injury and availability, etc.
WHERE MSAC (Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre), Albert Park
STARTING TIME Tournament starts at 8.45 am sharp, please be there at least 30 mins earlier to warm up (by 8.15 am).
FINISHING TIME All the age groups will be finishing around 4.50 pm follow by the medal ceremony. All BAV players who participate in the tournament, please let us know if you need to go earlier as we will have group photos after the completion of medal ceremony.
UNIFORM BAV orange colour T-Shirt
Under 11
Playing 25 rally points (no setting); courts 17 & 18 and 5 teams are competing.
Under 13
Playing 25 rally points (no setting); courts 13, 15 and 19 plus share court 14 and 6 teams are competing.
Under 15
Playing 25 rally points (no setting); courts 2, 3 and 9 plus share court 5 and 6; 6 teams are competing.
Under 17
Playing 25 rally points (no setting); courts 1, 7, 8 plus share court 4 & 5; 6 teams are competing.
Under 23
Playing 30 rally points (no setting); courts 10, 12 and share court 11 and 5 teams are competing.
Under 11 and under 23 – 2 boys & girls singles, 1 doubles each and 2 mixed doubles.
Under 13, 15 and 17 – 2 boys and girls doubles and 4 mixed doubles.
UNDER 11 TEAM (3 boys and 3 girls)
Costs: $60 divided by the number of players in the team.
Boys: Hayden Ting, Austin Swamy & Gary Chau
Girls: Nalini Kuhanandha, Irene Chau & Elim Tai
UNDER 13 (6 boys and 5 girls)
Costs: $136 divided by the number if players.
Elton Zhang, William Chau, Felix Wang, Jared Song, Enoch Tai & Aathavan Kuhanandha
Chloe Chen, Katrina Yang, Cynthia Zhu, Felicia Angelique Hendriato and Carmen Lim
UNDER 15 (6 boys and 6 girls)
Costs: $136 divided by the number of players
Eddie Luk, Darshand Gobinathan, David Kang, Edward Ma, Ben Hudono and Eldon Xu
Janice Au, Teresa Chan, Clara Chen, Samantha Lee, Nithma Mara Pathirage and Jenny Ting
UNDER 17 (6 boys and 5 girls)
Costs: $136 divided by the number of players
Athi Selladurai, Michael Phan, Walter Chung, Ian Haryono, Simon Ou and Jonathan Zhu
Joy Lai, Adriana Phan, Joanne Au, Sonali Sashikala Mara Pathirage and Estina Zhang
UNDER 23 (3 boys and 3 girls)
Costs: $76 divided by the number of players
Boys: Ashwant Gobinathan, Matthew Chau & Brendan Tang
Girls: Erica Pong, Kashmira Gobinathan & Rojini Selladurai.
Looking forward to see you all on the day. Please prepare and rest well for the tournament.
Lenny Permana
