Hi all
On behalf of BAV and coaches, I would like to congratulate our two players: Athi Selladurai (partnered with Eric Vuong) and Joy Lai (partnered with Grace Ngiam) on winning the boys and girls doubles titles at the under 19 Australasian Championships at Hobart.
Both also contributed to VIC team 1 on winning the CP Maddern trophy.
Other BAV players in VIC 1: Arthavan Srithar and Gronya Somerville (BAV/Jump Smash).
Arthavan lost against Athi in the earlier round of singles and reached quarterfinals of boys doubles (partnered with Edwin Luk) and Gronya didn't play at the individual events.
Well done guys.
Athi is doing his VCE this year, had represented AUS teams at various occasions such as World Junior champs, Oceania champs and Pan Pacific; he represented Victorian teams in many occasions started in under 13, many years back.
Feels like just yesterday when he (tiny Athi) and sister (Rojini) started training with us and now this is his last junior year.
But, we hope he will keep on going and play for AUS Senior team in the future. Now he can concentrate to finish his VCE.
And Joy (who will turn 15 soon), still fresh in memory when she started at the young age with us (with the dedication of her mum, Kanny who always waiting very patiently with long hours of training); now have many achievements and trophies on her collections.
Joy is this year's Oceania Junior girls singles champion plus under 17 champions in singles and doubles. Congratulations Joy!
Well done once again to keep BAV's tradition to win at least one individual titles at junior carnivals since 2004.
Hopefully both of your achievements will inspire all our upcoming junior players to train hard; as I am certain that our past players who were more senior than you, their achievements were inspiring you too last time. Now is your turn for them to look up too.
Lenny Permana