Dear Students and Parents of BAV,
We will be holding our annual end of year celebration dinner on the 1st of December. For those of you who have just joined us this year, we have our end of year celebration dinner at Kilsyth Stadium (off Liverpool Road, Kilsyth) from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. There will be a cost of $5.00 per person to cover our basic cost of food and drinks, as well as a raffle ticket to win fabulous prizes (racquet/s; grips; shuttlecocks; strings; T-shirts; wine hamper+lots more).
Additional raffle tickets are available for purchase , @$2.00/ticket OR $5.00 for three. In the past, we had also conducted "fun-games" among our students, parents and coaches before the dinner, from about 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Entry cost is $7.50/player.
To assist our planning, could you all please reply to us ASAP WHETHER OR NOT you will be attending this event, stating clearly number of persons attending; and number of persons interested in playing in the "fun-games", by Sunday 17th of November.
For those who are attending, could you please consider bringing a plate (cake, fruits, finger food etc) to the event. If anyone has surplus gifts that they would like to donate to our raffles prizes, please bring them along and drop them off at the shop or leave them with Agus or Awan (William, Irene and Gary Chau's mum). The fund raised from this event goes toward subsidising our players in their future tournament activities.
We hope to see everyone attending this very enjoyable event.
BAV Committee
