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Archives: Under 13 Tri Series 2006-2010

Writer: Administrator Administrator

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

2010 RESULTS – – BAV players will be in bold Individuals Girls Singles Final: Joy Lai beat Alice Wu = 30-18 Semi-1: Joy Lai beat Alice Lorinz = 30-18 Semi-2: Alice Wu beat Tiffany Ho (NSW) = 30-19 Qrt-1: Joy Lai – bye Qrt-2: Alice Lorinz beat Adriana Phan = 30-22 Qrt-3: Alice Wu beat Mandy Li (NSW) = 30-28 Qrt-4: Tiffany Ho – bye

Boys Singles Final: Darshand Gobinathan beat Austin Yu (NSW) = 30-25 Semi-1: Darshand Gobinathan beat Huaidong Tang (NSW) = 30-14 Semi-2: Austin Yu beat Andre Zopf = 30-29 Qrt-1: Darshand Gobinathan beat Tony Zhang (NSW) = 30-27 Qrt-2: Huaidong Tang beat Blake Haggerty (Geelong) = 30-16 Qrt-3: Andre Zopf beat Justin Lee (NSW) = 30-6 Qrt-4: Austin Yu beat Ernest Yam (WSBA) = 30-24

Girls Doubles Final: Joy Lai/Alice Wu beat Sanoja Ramasundara (ACT)/Clarise Koh = 30-10 Semi-1: Joy Lai/Alice Wu – bye Semi-2: Sanoja Ramasundara/Clarise Koh beat Lily Rigg/Maria Banica = 30-23

Boys Doubles Final: Austin Yu/Kieren Yong (NSW) beat Darshand/Andre Zopf = 30-29 Semi-1: Darshand/Andre Zopf beat Justin Lee/Matthew Lee (NSW) = 30-7 Semi-2: Austin Yu/Kieren Yong beat John Taing/Phillip Audley (WSBA) = 30-23

2010 TEAM EVENTS RESULTS Interstate Tri series 1. VIC 1 2. VIC 2 3. NSW Blue 4. NSW Lightning

Regional Team Challenge 1. Dulwich Hill NSW 2. Badminton Academy of Victoria 3. NSW Dash 4. WSBA Gold 5. WSBA Green

Victorian 1 team members Boys: Darshand Gobinathan, Andre Zopf, Kunal Patil (SEBA) & Eric Qi (didn’t compete – injured) Girls: Joy Lai, Alice Wu, Alice Lorinz (Ballarat), Janice Au Coach: Lenny Permana Manager: Wolfgang Zopf

Victorian 2 team members Boys: John Taing, Sonny Li (WSBA), Phillip Audley (WSBA) & Anthony Guan (WSBA) Girls: Maggie Wu, Adriana Phan, Lily Rigg (WSBA) & Maria Banica (WSBA) Coach: John Lim (WSBA) Manager: Mrs. Audley (WSBA)

BAV team members: Boys: Eldon Xu, David Kang, Pranav Rao & Enoch Tai Girls: Nikma MP, Chloe Chen, Samantha Lee, Michelle Lau


2009 RESULTS – BAV players will be in bold Individuals Girls Singles Final: Joy Lai beat Jennifer Tam (NSW) = 30-28 Semi-1: Jennifer Tam (NSW) beat Nivedita Rattan (NSW) = 30-28 Semi-2: Joy Lai beat Rachael Rais-Colvin (VIC) = 30-23

Boys Singles Final: Anthony Joe (ACT) beat Kieren Young (NSW) = 30-16 Semi-1: Kieren Young beat Mitchell Gervasoni (VIC) = 30-23 Semi-2: Antony Joe beat Huaidong Tang (NSW) = 30-12

Girls Doubles Final: Joy Lai/Lucy Young beat Sirina Fan/Jennifer Tam = 30-14 Semi-1: Sirina Fan/Jennifer Tam bt Sanoja Ramasundara/Nivedita Rattan = 30-21 Semi-2: Joy/Lucy bt Shankari Thananjeyan/Rachael Rais-Colvin = 30-19

Boys Doubles Final: Anthony Joe/Mitchell Gervasoni bt Kieren Young/Austin Yu = 30-19 Semi-1: Keiren/Austin bt Howard Chen/Jonathan Siu = 30-27 Semi-2: Anthony/Mitchell bt Tyler/Josh Dunkley (VIC) = 30-13


2008 RESULTS – BAV players will be in bold Individuals Boys Singles Final: Toby Wong (NSW) vs Cham Chen (NSW) = 30-28 Semifinalists: Athi Selladurai and Stanley Ho

Girls Singles Final: Melinda Sun (NSW) vs Vinning Mak (VIC) = 30-27 Semifinalists: Ruwindi Serasingha (VIC) and Christine Yu (NSW) Quarterfinalist: Joy Lai lost vs Christine Yu = 25-30

Boys Doubles Final: Cham Chen/Aaron Chu (NSW) vs Toby Wong/Seng Low(NSW) = 30-26 Semifinalists: Athi Selladurai/Arthavan Srithar and Stanley Ho/Mitchell Gervasoni

Girls Doubles Final: Vinning Mak/Natasha David (VIC) vs Melinda Sun/Christine Yu (NSW) = 30-29 Semifinalists: Joy Lai/Rachel Evans and Ruwindi/Sarah Wong (VIC)

Victoria Gold team Boys: Athi Selladurai, Arthavan Srithar, Stanley Ho Girls: Vinning Mak, Sarah Wong, Ruwindi Serashinghe

Victoria Green team Boys: Darshand Gobinathan, Rueben Tse, Eric Vuong (WSBA) Girls: Joy Lai, Lucy Young, Rachel Evans


2007 RESULTS – BAV players will be in bold Individuals Boys Singles Final: Sawan Serasinghe vs Hu-wen Chew = 30-16 Semi (1): Hu-wen Chew vs Matthew Chau = 30-24 Semi(2): Sawan Serasinghe vs Lucas Bui (NSW) = 30-23

Girls Singles Final: Louisa Ma vs Caroline Hu (NSW) = 30-23 Semi (1): Louisa Ma vs Rojini Selladurai = 30-11 Semi (2): Caroline Hu (NSW) vs Sharon Ho = 30-23

Boys Doubles Final: Athi Selladurai/Sawan vs Matthew/Hu-wen = 30-27 Semi (1): Matthew/Hu-wen vs Lucas Bui/Toby Wong (NSW) = 30-17 Semi(2): Athi/Sawan vs Anthony Joe/Seng Low = 30-12

Girls Doubles Final: Christine Yu/Sharon Ho (NSW) vs Caroline Hu/Melinda Sun (NSW) = 30-25 Semi (1): Caroline Hu/Melinda Sun vs Lauren Peter/Sarah Wong = 30-22 Semi (2): Christine Yu/Sharon Ho vs Alexandra Au/Ginny Wong = 30-22

TEAM EVENTS RESULTS 1. Victoria Gold 2. NSW 1 3. Victoria Green 4. ACT 5. NSW 2 6. Tasmania

Victoria Gold team Boys: Matthew Chau, Hu-wen Chew, Liam Cunningham Girls: Louisa Ma, Lauren Peter, Sarah Wong, Rachel Evans

Victoria Green team Boys: Athi Selladurai, Sawan Serasingha, Mihar Nandha Girls: Nathasha David, Jennifer Trinh, Ariana Lim


2006 - Altona VIC

BAV players: Matthew Chau, Hu-wen Chew, Athi Selladurai and Louisa Ma are selected to represent Victorian State teams at the under 13 Interstate Tri Series carnival this weekend at Altona. BAV player and now is helping the junior players: Foong-meng Cheah is also selected to be the Green team coach for the event.

The carnival will consist of both a teams and individual event and give the young players experiences to play badminton at a state level. Six teams will compete with two from Victoria (gold and green teams), two from NSW, one from ACT and one from Tasmania.

Another BAV player: Rojini Selladurai is also competing at the tournament, playing for the ACT team.

The format of the Team Event will see each of the team members (3 boys & 3 girls) play a singles and doubles each, with no mixed doubles played. Teams will be placed in two round robin groups of three teams, with the teams who top each pool playing off in the final. The individual event will also be round robin format, with boy’s and girl’s singles, and boys and girl’s doubles events to be played.

Lenny Permana


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